Thursday, July 8, 2010

NC and a wedding.

What a fabulous weekend I have coming up!  First stop... Dalton, GA... where my roommate and friend from the past four years is getting married!  So, wedding and wedding festivities... but this also includes reunions with many of my best friends... and a night of dancing!  Just what I need about now.  Then... wait for it... Winston-Salem, NC!  I am going... for sure this time... with my dear friend, Miss Amy Farnsworth. So, I can finally meet the famous Kevin Teasely face to face and my future roommate and other people who I may very well be calling dear friends in the next year or two.  So, I'm off!  I shall return next Tuesday.

Some pretty things, in the mean time.


codi.susanne said...

Kate we'll finally have a reunion! I'll see you st the wedding!!