Sunday, November 1, 2009

a fall wedding, holiday, and home.

here are just a few pictures from the wedding at Marannook. i am checking the photographer's website often for some actually decent pictures, because these do not really communicate too much about how the wedding actually looked. also, i have posted some pictures from halloween! i dressed up as wendy from peter pan, and my friend hamilton was peter pan. after a party friday night, i headed home on saturday. you can check sarah's blog or ann's blog (which now has an updated design) for absolutely precious pictures of my nieces and nephews dressed up. overall, a very successful fall season! by the way... north alabama is just so much prettier than south alabama. i did not realize untill i drove home by way of guntersville and i saw the most breathtaking foliage! wow! i am very excited about my drive home tomorrow with some new, good music and some beautiful scenery.

^peter pan and wendy... you can not see my pretty fabulous bow, therefore, i pretty much just look like a girl with a long navy dress.

^ we were supposed to have a "hook", but he did not completely cooperate. :(

^ my wonderful sophomore girls fellowship group... well, several of them anyway. we missed y you megs!