after four years of sitting at coffee shops on a day to day basis, i have become very observant of those around me. there are definitely the regulars, such as myself, that come in day in and day out. some of them i become chummy with, others we just recognize silently that yes i see you almost every day of my life but we never talk. i have decided that the next place that i move to and the next coffee shop that becomes my second home, i will start out early being friendly to those who i see regularly. therefore, it won't be three years later and it is just too awkward to even begin a relationship at that point.
anyway, i wrote that because today a guy walked into toomer's who is not a regular. and he looked absolutely fabulous. i do not mean that in the manly man, you are beautiful kind of way. he had on navy pants, a button down shirt that was tucked in, with a bow tie and sports jacket. it was all relaxed though, not stiff. his blonde hair was slicked back with gel and he had on black rimmed glasses. he looked as though he stepped out of the 50's or a jcrew catalogue. i knew i would like him instantly, but unfortunately no words were spoken. i like to see all the different people in this world.
anyway... that was such a side story. i saw this wedding on once wed this morning and instantly fell in love. it is so special and so beautiful. the title of the wedding is swedish wedding by the sea. how wonderful.
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