Sunday, July 20, 2008

the beginning.

Two Sundays ago I was at church and got to talk to my good friend and roommate from this past year. I have been working at Camp Marannook all summer, but fortunately we go to the same church as her on Sundays. So, I get to see Rachel once a week. She told me she regularly keeps up with my sisters and my mom on their blogs... which was humorous considering I really don't check them very often. (She might be emberassed knowing I have posted that. Sorry.) Well, like I said I have been working at a camp, so I rarely am able to get on the internet, but I had the urging to check their blogs after Rachel mentioned this. Well, on the few chances I had on the internet, I checked their blog just to get a glimpse of life at home and see my dear, dear nieces and nephew. I love seeing their sweet faces. But catching their blogs a couple of times, I had the urging to begin my own. So, I have decided to begin a blog to stay connected with dear friends who are dispersed across the country and I want way to be connected with my sisters, because they have seemed to fall in love with this new source of communication/media... blogging.