Thursday, July 31, 2008

my new favorite thing.

So, last week a got a new bicycle. I love it so much. You can just ride and ride and get exercise and it takes a while to get tired and you get to see so much more then when I am just running. Yes, I still enjoy running and am even continuing training for a half with me dad, but this bike is so great! Plus, I feel like it gives you more of an all over body workout. My arms and back seem somewhat sore when I am finished riding. It is a hybrid bike, so it is mainly built for the road, but still has the option for riding off-road as well. I am so excited to be back in Auburn, so I can ride it around town. There will be much prettier rides in Auburn, I would think. So, yay. If you don't have a bike... you should consider the investment. Plus, it will save me on gas prices, parking tickets, and hopefully I will no longer have to visit the tow lot. So, thank you bike for all that you offer.