Today was one of the most random days I've experienced in a while. I awoke in a hurry. I had planned to bike to Parking Services to pick up my parking pass then onto the Student Act to elliptical for a while. Well, as I begin to bike, the rain starts to pour. I continue in the rain, not caring too much since I wasn't going to make it to the gym anyhow, and people all around me continued to walk about, and I would only be taking a shower shortly. The parking services could not provide me with my pass, so I continued back to my house. Ran in the door to hop in the shower, hop out. I would have to drive to the colleseum and park before class. I was cutting it very close. Well, as I spend 15 minutes looking for a parking space in the dreaded C-Zone... I hear a wailing. The siren warns me of possible tornadoes. I say, forget class, I am going back to my house where my parents are graciously laboring away, painting the dining room and kitchen. But, I still am supposed to spend the day working at my first event with Sodexo. So, about 45 minutes later my dad drops me off at work. I sit in the office 45 minutes and finally my boss comes in and says... the event has been canceled. I go home. And I paint. So, that's the story of my random, yet relaxing day. And here's my conclusion. I love the rain. Isn't it crazy how we scurry about and stress over our every day life, when God whispers... calm down. The rain comes, it washes away our worries, our pains, our own plans. I plan and I plan and I dream and I dream, but as soon as God's rain, or salvation, or grace, (however you would like to word it) shows up, all my plans are changed. Huh. And suddenly I say... Lord, it's not in my hands but yours.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
10"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
And do not return there without watering the earth
And making it bear and sprout,
And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
11So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
So far that is how the semester is, as well. I planned to keep an open semester so I could invest my time and heart into things that typically I brush over. In a matter of days, almost every day of the week became filled... but with everything that had been laid on my heart. This semester I am working, as I mentioned before. And I was asked to lead a fellowship group studying a book I had been longing to study... Judges. And I was asked to join core group for RUF. And I was asked to lead a pride group for ADPi. And I was asked to become an adopt-a-student for my pastor's family. All of these things were exactly what I wanted to invest my time in in some way or another. And God provided them all, without me seeking and planning. This is God's grace... and let me tell you... trial and error has taught me to wait patiently upon Him and He will provide. And normally I would stress... but I trust Him. Now, I don't always, but I do a little more than I did yesterday and the day before that. Ask me a month or so from now and my trust might not be so confident... but I am confident that He will remain and guide me. I love Him, dearly. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5 Yes, that's a very familiar verse... but please, listen to it. Believe it and act upon it. Trust Him.
"My soul longs for You my soul longs for you
Nothin' else will do nothin' else will do...
I believe You will come like the rain... You'll come like the rain" - Misty Edwards
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