i'm packing up to go home for the summer. it's been quite a year and i am in dire need of a summer break. every year i begin thinking... what will occur this year because the truth is i never ever have any way of knowing what the year holds. i just wait on the edge of the new year in anticipatin of what may happen. in some cases, i have excitement and in some i have fear. because, many exciting life changing things happen during this time in my life, but that often includes some challenges maybe even heartbreaks. but through it all i see the Lord truly directing my path and He uses so many different means of doing that. here are some recaps of my Junior year at Auburn.
My pi chi group. Such a fun week.
Spent some time at the beach... my favorite Seaside Chapel.
I finally saw one of my high school crushes... Matt Wertz.
ADPi semiformal...
Just some random fun with RUF friends... scavanger hunt in Wal-Mart.
I went to CHINA!
I got to see where the Olympics took place... so cool.I checked off an item from the list of things I've always wanted to do... be a barista. I now work at Toomer's Coffee which has been a really neat opportunity!
The amazing design team for Catering and event management...
...and the beautiful gala we got to plan and attend... what a fun night!
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