yesterday, i had the privilege to take part in wonderful worship twice! yesterday morning i attended Lakeview Baptist Church with my friend, hamilton. the worship was different then what i have experienced in a long time. i have not worshiped with that many people in so long! thousands of people attend that church. it's quite incredible. it had a Baptist style which was reminiscent of my upbringing :) it was so powerful to hear that many voices proclaiming God's glory! i was very thankful to hear such a beautiful sound!
"And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was coming from the east, And the sound of his coming was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with his glory." - Ezekial 43:2
then, last night i went to a concert/worship service which was much more of a style that i relate to. ahh, it was matthew smith and the indelible grace band. if you have never heard of indelible grace, then please, do not hesitate any longer to check it out!! i have a link on the side of my blog to the RUF hymnbook. it is hymn after hymn updated. i am so thankful for the passion of new artists to restore these incredible hymns that were written at such an amazing time in Christian history, mostly during the Reformation.
there was one song we sang last night and one story that especially affected me. i can not stop thinking about it. i do not have time this morning to search the entire internet for a completely accurate description of this story... i started to and realized it would take too much time so i'll try to copy what matthew smith said.
it's really quite simple... he said that charles and john wesley used to have a ministry with prisoners and they would walk with them to death row. many of these men were converted. as they walked they sang this song by isaac watts...
O Help My Unbelief
1. How sad our state by nature is!Our sin, how deep it stains!
And Satan binds our captive minds
Fast in his slavish chains
But there's a voice of sov'reign grace,
Sounds from the sacred word:
"O, ye despairing sinners come,
And trust upon the Lord."
2. My soul obeys th' almighty call,
And runs to this relief
I would believe thy promise, Lord;
O help my unbelief!
To the dear fountain of thy blood,
Incarnate God, I fly;
Here let me wash my spotted soul,
From crimes of deepest dye.
3. Stretch out Thine arm, victorious King,
My reigning sins subdue;
Drive the old dragon from his seat,
With all his hellish crew.
A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,
On thy kind arms I fall;
Be thou my strength and righteousness,
My Jesus, and my all.
the picture of that is just incredible to me.
if only we did believe.
what a great story--wow. I agree that I love the picture of men walking to death row with the hope of the gospel.
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